I got well, and all seemed well. I could play with my toys, I could go outside, I still had my penny, my family was still there, my mommy loved me, life was great again. There were a few new sensations, My tongue would go numb at times and feel really really big. But I could talk. My throat would tingle at times but I could swallow and eat. Other then that I felt great. Then I went back to school. I was in the middle of my first grade year.
I was an alien in a strange new planet. I couldn't remember the names of my friends, to this day. I didn't understand any of the procedures. I would just follow others, to recess and back. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't figure out half of what they said. I didn't know what to answer. I tried different phrases and they did not often get good results, I could not follow the gossip or themes of humor. I was alone.
The teacher seemed to say a lot of gibberish between some comprehensible words. When I did understand I soon forgot sometimes in a split second. One really big mystery was the index card box on the window seal. Everyone went and got theirs and I found one with my name on it. The teacher came up to my desk as I wandered back and asked me to take out my words that I had learned to read. I opened the box and took our a stack of words, but they were all strange to me, I had never seen them before, or so it seemed. I remember the emotion of puzzlement, of feeling I did not belong there. I felt like an alien on a strange planet with strange rules and a strange language with unreadable script. That was the first morning I was back to school. It was a shock. Like a bomb had gone off and I knew I was different, different from all the other kids and it was not going to be fun and easy as I emotionally had remembered. Lunch time was coming up and I did not know what to expect. I was scared and apprehensive.