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The Inherent Problem of Agencies and Schools


Schools go through about a ten year cycle. They are governed by government mandates and limits that slows down change and traditions that were built into the system to prevent the public from changing them. Mental Health agencies have similar inflexible rules from government regulations and directors are inflexible to change. Also they both are out of touch with neighborhoods as they do not mingle with them. They have to be professional and so they can not let down their hair and interact with their students and clients.


But the public, the neighborhoods and their problems change. New people move in, economic depressions happen changing their focus, people move out, the educational level and aspirations change as the population changes. But Schools and Mental Health agencies are trapped in their buildings and do not see what is going on. So the students and clients become discontent with the teachers and counselors. Students disobey and clients go elsewhere.


Teachers are not quite sure what to teach and counselors are not quite sure what to confront clients on. Teacher begin to over discipline and counselors lack insights. Teachers and counselors become increasingly handicapped, they are blind to the real world. The criminal elements in the neighborhoods are unseen and able to operate without interference. And teachers and counselors do not know how to help their students and clients avoid the dangers.


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