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Step Five Organization Helps a Lot but More to It



I made note books of the notes and put them into categories, any category that seemed to make sense. It did not really matter what the categories were or if they were the best or really if they were even relevant. The fact that I made categories was the decisive fact that helped. I now had taken a hundred or so pages form a hundred books and categorized them. They were in neat notebooks with labels. I began to get a feeling that the data was accessible to me, that I could at least find what I was looking for if I needed it. It was the first time I ever had such a confident feeling about such a large body of material. This organization stuff was powerful. Instead of thousands and thousands of facts I had a hundred or less subcategories, a dozen categories and a few notebooks. Now what? I could find what I wanted but how could I gather various facts, or say a few hundred, and make a paper? I decided to make lists of the facts, not the fact or its entire reference but enough to remind me what it was about, a word or two or a phrase and the book and page it was on. I made long lists but to no avail. Then, then it happened, quite by accident. I discovered something about the brain.


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