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Politics Makes Us All Handicapped


I knew I could not compete for a supervisory position because of the extra paperwork. But I loved hands on counseling. I could of became a licensed psychologist and gotten much more money but again, it would of been a lot of report writing and for the courts. And I could not have been honest, as to be competitive required loyalty more to a group of people making political decision then to be loyal to the purity of the profession, of helping people better their lives.


One thing I have learned in the field of counseling, there is no big money in honesty, ethicalness, and equality to all. I was a Sex Offender Treatment Provider for thirteen years, and soon learned that where ever there is money in counseling, there is corruption. Why there is money in treating felons with court cases is your client is trapped, he/she has to come and he/she has to pay. And if someone makes a deal, illegal, with a prosecutor or government agency to write reports that can win in court, the counselor has a steady and growing income. And with the political backing they can start certifications that require others to take their classes, and even say that if others take their classes they need little education, that they can do the counseling with out the time and energy required for degrees. Again, Golden Boys and Girls appear and the standards are lowered.


Having struggled so hard to get where I was I could not be unethical. I could not put another person at a disadvantage. I could not join the growing circle of people in the money that to me was selling clients down the road. I am not saying I thought sex offenders should get off easy, I am saying that in the name of politics they were not getting the highest standards in help. When a counselor can make money without high standards the standards begin to drop. That is the way of all human endeavors, give the kids cookies whether they do the chores or not, they soon do not. Then they hoard them from the other kids, they are spoilt. The problem with some of the regulatory agencies is they do not know what the standards are, they are not counselors, and they can follow the wrong groups, especially early in the game before educated people can challenge the politics. It is human weakness.


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