Because of my handicap, to compete, I had to learn things better then most. It may take a bit longer, and I may have to understand a bit better, and I may have to learn a bit more but it pays off. I was required to take a class that most students failed. I read the book like most others but I had to think about it more, highlight the book more, take more notes in the class.
I was scared. This was a class to eliminate students. The day came for the test. I was slower as usual. Others were more confident then I. I was not sure what to expect.
The test results came out. Two of us passed, his favorite student the intern had the highest score, I had a few points less, the rest had flunked. I love to understand why and asked questions so I asked the others what had gone wrong for them. It seems what the teacher had done was take passages in the book for a, b, c, or d multiple choices, but he had rearranged the wording that changed the meaning. I had to study for meaning and not just use rote memory, which is not as easy and accurate as most think, so the mixing of words did not fool me.
After passing this class I did not have to repeat it so I was now ready for my research thesis. Past efforts would again pay off. If only I could make life this easy and rewarding all the time. Maybe we can?