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Past Efforts Become Our Tools to Succeed



I never thought about my past efforts, which did not seem to lead to success, that they would lead to success in the future. But they do become our tools. When I had been sick for about six months and had read about one hundred books on one subject, I had not even imagined they would be the bases for my masters thesis and then from there to my Ph.D dissertation. 


I had taken classes at one university after being sick and I had written A+ papers from the materials and new ideas I came up with. But even then I did not think it would be the bases for my masters thesis. But everything we do accumulates and can be used in the future. That is the key, to focus on themes of our passions and keep plugging in the direction we want to go. Like a snail, our efforts create the smooth path to move forward. Maybe a more pleasant image is ants building their castles of sticks. Or there is the old story of the Tortoise and the Hare. The Tortoise keeps moving ahead, even at a slow pace, while the Hare looses focus and wanders around loosing time and efforts.


I wanted to show with an experiment that my new ideas about how boys see the world differently from girls is a significant difference under competition but not without it. All the books I read seemed to point to this. The experiment went like clockwork. I used pictures they made to show the competition, light boards also to show the intensity of their responses. The more intense the more pegs they used. My ideas were beginning to prove to be of significance. Had i became my own Hero? or at least my own efforts? I was learning a lot but what would I do next. I had not even in my wildest dreams thought about going for a Ph.d. Me? You got to be kidding. Not me. Would I have another Hero?


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