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New School, New Hope, Brother, what a life?



Senior Year in High School. Went to a new school, just built, I was in what would be the first graduating class. I had learned to begin to take notes in class. They were not very good, I drew a lot of pictures to help remember the concepts. That was easier then writing. I was again not allowed to take math classes, my best, or science classes after a hard earned C in Chemistry, I was happy when in math and science, but I had to take the usual stuff, health, civics, english, and history. History was fascinating at the last school as he talked about the concepts of politics. I remember them to this day. But the new history class was Russian History. The names and events were beyond my ability to track. There was no common theme to follow and tie memories to. I had a solid FLUNCK. Then something happened, it was a miricale.


The teacher assigned us to give a comprehensive report on a country and give the report orally. That was new. I managed to take notes as I struggled with the encyclopedias, and I categorized my notes, and presented them to the class, I enjoyed it and spoke out clear and percise. I out did most of the other classmates. The teacher listened intently. He praised me at the end. But what surprised me the most was when the grades came out, even though I had flunked all the tests, I had a C.


To apply for college you had to have a 2.0. With his C I had a 2.0000000000000. I was elated. I wanted to go to college. The school counselor called me into her room. I thought it would be a new door. I thought wrong.


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