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My Sign Was I Was In A Corner


The sign was unusual, I had to take a test, in Statistics. My teacher, one of the players, taught a series of lessons, I was not following her. She knew I was her best student, but instead of taking note that if I did not understand her the others may not either, she sent me to the back of the room after so many questions and I was not to speak. The days went by and then the test. Of course I flunked it. But so did everyone else, then she realized that her teaching material was beyond us. She decided the text book was not explaining enough. She had to back up.


When the grades came she had given me a B when I had all A's except the test that had to be thrown out. I asked her why and she said I had not done the homework. I opened my book and showed her I had done every problem in the book. She said I had not shown how I came up with the answers. I replied I had done them in my head. She said she had told us specifically to hand them in and to show how we came to the answers. I knew she was right, that I had forgotten that she had said that. I knew I had problems with that. I was so down hardened because I took pride in being her best student, math was my best strength.


I was in a corner. Someone had lied about me. The person I suspected had the most powerful teacher on her committee. My advisor was now doubtful about me, the ethnographer was silent, and the Math teacher was suspicious of me, that perhaps I had been cheating or something. How was I to prove myself? This was my sign, my sign that I had to do more. I had to prove myself a worthy person. I decided to go get tested. It is free on a large university, I would go to a counselor on campus and ask for the works, what was wrong, and what was right, an intelligence test and a personality test. I had no idea where it would lead. But that would be my first move, and was I amazed what they found.


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