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Life Became Epic as I became invisible


     Life became epic, or others did, I was amazed at what they could do, and it fascinated me. Perhaps I rediscovered the world each day, but it was bigger than life. I wonder if our cat seen humanity in a similar way, curious as to what the world are they doing and, my gosh, its amazing. I watched the boy down the street who was so determined to ride his big brothers bike that he would put his lets through the frame to the other peddle and ride it with his body sticking out the other side. I loved his spirit. I wanted to be able to do the same. But I had no clue. Playing in the sand box before my illness was the last thing he ever did with me.

     Then there was the boy across the street who had a lizard and he make a series of canals and ponds for the the little creature to crawl through. It might as well have been the suez canal. I wanted to celebrate their successes but to him I was the little brat who was not quit with it.

     The biggest disappointment was the little girl down the street, in my class, who had a birthday party. I was not invited. We had spent hours and hours on her swing set, something my family could never afford, and sang 'How Much Is That Doggy In the Window' a thousand times. How could she not invite me. I was different, I did not fit in, my parents were poor. When I seen her after the party I told her if she had invited me I would of bought her a child's ironing board. Now to me that was the epitome of wealth. And when she said she all ready had one I knew she was way out of my league. And why didn't I remember that.


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