I am going to address how we can improve ourselves and our handicaps or how to get around them and those of our communities. How we can find and nurture our unsung heroes and become one ourselves. The making of a counselor is no different then the making of a productive, growing, creative person. The city is a conglomeration of individuals made up of personalities, groups of various personalities make up our agencies, schools, and businesses.
Every last one of us has handicaps because we and our institutions are not perfect. If we were there would be no handicaps because we would not take advantage of people who are stumbling for a moment, we would not be tripping others and calling them handicapped because we would not have hurtful handicapped hearts. None of us are perfect but we can work at being more healthy and productive. So lets look at what a counselor helps you with, and believe me as they help you it helps them as a person and as a helper. We all need to be doing these things.