I had been living in a small three room shack with my three sons. There was only one bed room too small for three beds so I constructed overlapping beds for them from plywood. There was no shower or tub so I bought a large wash tub and would bath them in that after heating water for it. It was quite primitive for the times but much like life long ago.
I had taken two independent studies at the university created from what I had read and learned when I was so sick and had read 100 books or so. I had learned to write papers and so I had received an A in each discipline. I was ready for graduate school and looking for an in. That time was about to happen, but took some time.
I had applied to be a social worker, the person who helped people on welfare get their lives together. But they refused me three such jobs. I knew I was qualified and so I put in a grievance. That resulted in a trial within the system. Officials came to conduct the trial. They heard everything I had to say and seen all my credentials. At the break on of the judges came up to me and said I was very qualified but they would judge against me because of politics, once they had split the social worker into two positions, one being the financial worker, they made a policy that workers could not go from one to the other. It was a bureaucratic secret. He was a hero for being honest and helping me understand and look for another path.
I really appreciated his honesty. I knew I was facing a dead end after months and months of trying to advance. At the same time the policy for using the medical coupons changed. There was a deductible that went with them for the elderly, as it was a state medical and not federal. The deductible had been flexible and could be paid over time. That changed, now the coupons were no good until the deductible was paid. My heart sunk, it was a death sentence to many elderly as they would go hungry or go without medical. I was in a dead end. Now how was I to get out of it.