Groups of people are made up different personalities and personality disorders. These personalities combine and create a group personality. If the individuals in the group are all antisocial then the group personality is antisocial. If the group is a combination of antisocial and very social people the personality of the group depends on which personality is dominant. Dominance can be from a consensual permission from the others, by their dominant natures, or from fear the leader,installs in others, or as in the military, from legal rights of authority. The combinations are endless but the principle is the same, a group will have a personality that can advance everyone in society, as a scholarly group, or harm everyone as a common street gang often can do.
A city is a group of different community groups and the same can be said, it has a personality. Its different personality traits would be housed in different groups, such as TV and News Paper Offices, Social Services, Churches and Universities, and factories and Industries, Jails, Street Gangs, etc. Chicago is very different from a small town in the plains area. If we look at it from this point of view then when it comes to any situation, say crime, one city is more inclined then another, more handicapped to stop it then another, more attractive and vulnerable to crime then another. This can be because the city has more resources to exploit, such as a big city, or it can be because the city has more enemies, such as a city in a war zone, or because the city has more ability to come together and solve their problems, such as a small quiet country town.
Criminals take advantage of a city or town's vulnerabilities or handicaps, just as people take advantage of handicapped individuals. For that community or city to survive it has to take better inventory of self and others and come up with a compensating plan. It has to figure out how to survive. If it does it will be a superior town or neighborhood, if not it will continue to be exploited. It can be a time of growth or a time of staggering crime that most are unaware of. Crime takes advantage of a community or city that does not communicate with itself to figure out how to proceed. A counselor, to be effective, has to learn their city to help their clients deal with real life situations. That is not easy as Counselors have to be non judgmental and separate their private lives from their clients to be neutral and not controlled by clients or the agencies they have to deal with. Some of those agencies try to control everyone through the government inadvertently giving criminals the advantage. Too complex, I'll try and show you.