I did not feel good about my prelims. I waited for the mail, the uneventful moment of opening the envelope and reading that I had failed. Sure enough it came, and yes I had failed. That would not stop me, not now, not after all I had gone through to stay in the program. I knew I had to have more memory aids to pass. I had gone through all the testing and established my disabilities. What had seemed like a tragedy and waste of time (the student lying about me, going for testing, and finding out what had happened) was to turn out to be a blessing. I went to the adjunct, the lawyer for student rights, and told him I needed more memory aids to pass my prelims. He was an unsung hero. He took me to the director of my department and stated I had legal rights to help me with my disabilities. The director asked me what I needed and I said a list of names and words, without definitions, to jog my memory. He said to make up the list and show him for approval.
I was back in the game. But it would not be an easy task to make up a list that was fair to me and to the integrity of the testing rules. I would have to think through this one. I wondered if it would be a blessing or a curse. Only time would tell. It was my next task.